How will coaching work?

Programmes are tailored to you as an individual. After an introductory meeting and agreeing the basis on which we can work together we will complete a Coaching Agreement and establish your goals, objectives and the way in which we will work to achieve them.


Coaching is primarily a dialogue-based process during which your coach supports and facilitates your self-awareness, learning, behaviour change and goal accomplishment. With your permission and active participation, the process may also include some or all of the following:

  • Assessments, performance management feedback
  • Stakeholder interviews, feedback, involvement
  • Observation, shadowing
  • Progress reports, self-assessment
  • Coaching and Walking (written before COVID-19, but actually, no reason why the walking can’t be done separately whilst on the phone, which is exactly how I’ve previously worked with some of my clients)
    • Getting outside and going for a good walk can be extremely beneficial. In many respects, it doesn’t matter where you walk, whether it’s in a forest, across some rolling hills, along a riverbank or through some city streets. The benefit and pleasure are in being outside, getting some exercise and experiencing more of life going on around you. From a coaching perspective, walking with someone else does at least two things in a big way:
      • You get to enjoy all the pleasures of the walk shared with someone else and walking side by side powerfully illustrates the partnership in our coaching relationship.
      • Walking can take you away from the close proximity of your current situation for a while, which helps to remove some of the distractions and barriers that prevent good thinking and change.




We are guided by a set of coaching principles that we firmly believe will help you achieve better results for you and your organisation:

  • You are resourceful, and don’t need ‘fixing’
  • My role is to develop your resourcefulness through questioning, challenge and support
  • I have unconditional positive regard for you
  • Coaching is a partnership of equals
  • The only agenda I have is yours
  • I am always on your side, and interested in the whole you
  • Coaching is about change and action


Let’s talk about how we can help you

What our Clients say